Current Planning Applications
Any new and undetermined planning applications will be listed here.
- 24/01522/LBC | Upgrading the sash windows (8 in total) replacing the single glazed panes to Heritage slim double glazed units including renovation and decoration of windows | High House 13 Lutterworth Road Walcote Leicestershire LE17 4JW
The following application has been submitted to Leicestershire County Council who is responsible for dealing with applications which relate to mineral development e.g. quarrying:
- 2024/EIA/0116/LCC | Planning application for a new sand and gravel quarry, as a replacement for Shawell quarry, with establishment and use of on-site processing plant (including establishment and use of ancillary facilities), a new site access off the A4304, together with establishment and use of internal haul roads and conveyor infrastructure and erection and operation of a concrete batching plant, with restoration to a combination of agriculture and nature conservation | Land to the east of Warren Farm, Misterton, Leicestershire
The application can be viewed at
- 22/00957/CMA | Sand and gravel quarry as a replacement for Shawell Quarry with on-site processing plant (including establishment and use of ancillary facilities), a new site access off the A4304 and the erection and operation of a concrete batching plant, with restoration predominantly to agriculture. - Land To The East Of Warren Farm, Misterton, Leicestershire (County Council Identity Number:2022/EIASco/0044/LCC) | Warren Farm Swinford Road Walcote Leicestershire LE17 4HP
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