18th January 2025

Search Misterton with Walcote Parish Council

Serving the people of Misterton with Walcote

Walcote at War

This Parish has two war memorials, one at St. Leonard’s Church, Misterton and the other at Walcote Memorial Hall. They each bear the names of sixteen men who served in this country’s forces and lost their lives. As part of our commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1 we wanted to find out who these men were.

In 2020 we mark the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and so it is fitting to complete our project with the details of the other two men named on the Memorials. If you can contribute anything to our store of knowledge of any of these men then we’d love to hear from you. As before we will, when time allows, place printed copies of these tributes along the bridle path leading from the play area in Walcote towards the Church.

Boer War

World War 1

World War II

Last updated: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 19:47