Windfarm Community Fund
In general applications are considered once a year, with the deadline for submitting applications usually being the end of February. However, they can be considered outside this timeframe if the Parish Council considers there is a good reason to do so.
Applications for this year need to be submitted by midnight on 28 February 2025.
Funding decisions will be made from April 2025.
When we consider applications, we look for schemes which support:
• education
• need (projects or activities that can demonstrate clearly that there is a need for it in the local community)
• sports, leisure and social activities
• infrastructure
• environmentally friendly living
• local economic opportunities, and other amenities and facilities
If you want any advice, contact a Parish Councillor, or come to our next meeting.
We also expect applicants to raise some of the funding from other sources too. So if you have a project you think fits the bill, please apply using the application form below.
Information and Procedure
Who Can Apply?:
Any organisation based in the Parish can apply for funding. An existing organisation can apply for a grant or a new organisation may be set up in order to secure funding for a scheme.
How Will Grants be Awarded?:
All applications will be considered by the Parish Council. The Council will be looking for schemes which consider
i.Community welfare and / or cohesion – will your scheme benefit part or all of the local community of Misterton and Walcote? Will it help establish or strengthen links between different parts of the community? Does it benefit one particular age group, or will it be useful for all ages?
ii.Economic benefit – will your scheme help to provide or support employment in the local community? Will it enable residents to generate or to save money in the long or short term?
iii.Social benefit – does your scheme support an existing village group or will it encourage a new group to be set up? Will it bring together residents for whom there is little or no social support at present? How will it reach out into the community?
iv.Ecological benefit – is there a part of your scheme which will encourage or support bio-diversity, improve or repair habitats or offer any other benefit to the local environment?
v.Sustainable – will your scheme need on-going funding? Once completed, will it generate the money needed to secure its future? What resources will be needed to complete the scheme? Are these resources sustainable, or finite?
Over several years, the Council will endeavour to distribute funds to benefit the widest possible range of residents and projects.
Whilst not dismissing schemes which would be entirely funded by a 'Wind Farm Grant', the Council encourages applicants to raise part of the funds needed for a project from other sources, either further grants from funding bodies, or through independent fund raising.
How to apply:
Applications should be made, in writing on the form downloaded from the link above, or a paper copy can be obtained by contacting the Parish Clerk. Completed forms must be returned to the Clerk.
Applications will be considered by the Parish Council at one of its meetings and decisions will be confirmed in writing.
Grants Awarded
To date, nearly £100,000 has been awarded by the Parish Council on behalf of the Eight Parishes Community Interest Company Community Fund. Please see further details in the attachment below.